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Every being is so deeply rooted in others that it is never identical with itself in the final analysis—its essence comprises far more what it is not.
Indeed, on the view known as “super-substantivalism,” material objects are not distinct from spacetime but are rather identical with massy regions of spacetime.
The rest of the images in this gallery will be the old OnePlus 8 Pro, since they're nearly identical.
The Many-Worlds Interpretation has it that each time we make a measurement, reality splits into several alternative versions, identical except for the measurement outcome.
On the other side of the balance, investors preferred pitches presented by male entrepreneurs compared to those made by female entrepreneurs, even when the content was exactly identical, another Harvard study revealed.
The cap devices on thousands of identical hats glinted in the late morning sun along with the shields worn by each of the cops.
The pieces are near-identical, excepting the signature buttons on the Chanel suit and a few small tailoring details.
Experts pointed us to identical passages in each of the four Geneva treaties, known as "Common Article 3."
In the midst of these efforts, she was raising identical twin sons, Julian—“the reserved one” and Joaquin—“the outgoing one.”
Because as Ralphie explains to me, “every team has identical software and identical weather.”
These granules are identical with the corresponding granules in the leukocytes just described.
Severe secondary anemia sometimes gives an identical picture.
Mere hastiness or slovenliness of work is not identical with the effect of inability to achieve mechanical neatness.
Also a comparison based on numbers of troops would prove to be beside the point, for conditions cannot be identical.
One black key is made to serve, for instance, for D sharp and for E flat, whereas the two notes are in reality not identical.
On this page you'll find 62 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to identical, such as: exact, indistinguishable, interchangeable, carbon copy, corresponding, and dead ringer.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.