adjective as in poetic
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The AI assimilated his style and perspective by ingesting his plays—educating itself to give an opinion on AI creativity in iambic pentameter.
Max Fish and Snow are wed by more than their iambic assonance.
The lovers speak entirely in iambic pentameter, which works much better than it should.
The rhythm of the lines is marked, the effect upon the ear being quite like that of English iambic pentameters hypercatalectic.
There are four feet in each verse; so the poem is written in iambic tetrameter.
In this stanza the prevailing foot is iambic, but the first foot is trochaic.
It is contemplative and poised, and is frequently blended with other feet, especially with iambic, to express deliberation.
It will be noted that the dactyl is very closely related in expression to the trochee, and the anapest to the iambic.
On this page you'll find 39 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to iambic, such as: anapestic, dactylic, dramatic, elegiac, epic, and epical.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.