adjective as in divergent
Strong match
adjective as in sectarian
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Most were issued over relatively modest local or factional party disputes.
Aware that factional faultlines may emerge after his death—perhaps causing the clerical regime to suffer the same fate as the Soviet Union—Khamenei is doing all he can to ensure his Islamist ideology outlives him.
The authorities, initially at least, had widespread cross-factional political support.
To improve the quality of life, factional disputes are being cast aside.
But whereas before, discipline used to flow from elected leadership down, today it flows from factional leadership up.
As a consequence, the leadership transition is fraught with conspiracies and fierce factional infighting.
The factional balance between elitists and populists is no longer at equilibrium.
The strength of the new party was frittered away in doctrinaire factional strife between the single taxers and the socialists.
This factional struggle greatly complicates every revolutionary movement.
The struggle for place is continued as a factional fight within the newly ruling crowd.
We were too near the fight still, and there were party wounds to be bound up and little factional sores that had to be healed.
It is very painful to me that you in Missouri cannot or will not settle your factional quarrel among yourselves.
On this page you'll find 87 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to factional, such as: atypical, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, different, and disparate.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.