adjective as in hurrying
adjective as in racing
adjective as in rushing
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Instead of foam darts, the Rival blasters shoot small foam balls with golf-ball style dimples on the outer surface.
He lets it roll and then pokes it between two defenders to a teammate, darting inside towards the top of the box.
There are little kids darting up and down the bleachers, being herded by moms and dads, grandmothers and grandfathers.
A moment later I saw my scowling taxi driver darting toward the ticket booth with a companion, a portly man in a checked shirt.
There was Diane Kruger, darting around outside in a flouffy dress.
Quick as a flash he jumped in and dived down, down under where the fish were darting.
The man, darting around the rear of the roadster, started to plant himself in Matt's way.
He stood by the side of the little river, its clear waters showing the fish darting to and fro, as if in wanton play.
Long, tortuous lines of light showed immense numbers of large fish darting about as if in consternation.
She might struggle for her freedom, but she could not hope to avoid the darting, poisonous fangs of the snake.
On this page you'll find 57 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to darting, such as: dashing, expediting, flying, hastening, propelling, and racing.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.