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That’s easy for doctor’s offices to keep around, and easier to train people to use than a pair of calipers.
They might stop going altogether if someone starts trying to pinch their fat with metal calipers.
The scale and object to be marked are fastened in line with one another, and the caliper bar is used from step to step.
The other extremities of these buttons are spherical and polished and serve as caliper points in the operation of measuring.
An inspector would need to be equipped with an ordinary rectangular caliper.
This measurement can be got by removing both end stones and taking the distance with a Boley gage or a douzieme caliper.
After the adjusting screw to the caliper is set, the spring of the blades allows of their removal.
On this page you'll find 70 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to caliper, such as: adjust, assess, average, calibrate, check, and compute.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.