noun as in conspiracy
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Selling drugs in cahoots with a childhood friend, a disagreement led to manslaughter by gunshot.
He plays Dominic Badguy, who is in cahoots with Constantine, the evil frog.
No good can come of allowing politicians, in cahoots with ISPs, to tell the public what a “normal” internet should look like.
“The court and the taxation bureau are in cahoots,” Pu told The Daily Beast.
Mars in cahoots with Neptune allows you to realize fantastically creative endeavors.
Lawyer Feeder, who run for state senator an' whose record's none too dainty, is in cahoots with Jordan an' Plimsoll.
Now Lewis says these men pack to an' fro from Elgeria, an' he has a hunch they're in cahoots with Smith, who runs a place there.
Well, the story got around, and so it was, and from that day forth the black boy was 'Cahoots.'
Weve also suspected that you have been in cahoots with him, continued the lieutenant in casual tones.
I'm to load 'em up with misrepresentations about how you and the sheriff happen to be working in cahoots.
On this page you'll find 14 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to cahoots, such as: alliance, collusion, league, and partnership.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.