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The 26 were beaten by the bailiffs as they filed into a caged dock, sobbing, on Dec. 21.
Griffin Dunne directed that episode and he wanted me to feel like a caged animal.
Though it was exorcised and is now caged, it apparently still moves about and growls at visitors.
She was known for her versatility, and was nominated for her performances in Caged, Detective Story, and Interrupted Melody.
You might think that the folkies were all struggling to survive, bitter and starving like a pack of caged dogs.
I ask you now to play upon it; you refuse, and she paced the room like a caged tigress.
So still was the place that the caged cricket hanging from the eaves of Um's distant room beat time like an elfin metronome.
In one such startled interval of waking her caged cricket had given out its plaintive cry.
Then does the soul grow weary, and restless as well; it is like unto a bird that is caged whose time for migration has come.
All the smoke went straight up into the sky, and several caged birds on the route were singing loudly outside their windows.
On this page you'll find 20 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to caged, such as: enslaved, imprisoned, incommunicado, bound, confined, and ensnared.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.