noun as in restaurant
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In summer, the tiny camp café hosts an all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast every morning.
Pre-pandemic, they were set to open a café inside, but as a permanent indoor restaurant no longer became viable, Hilton says that the parties agreed to imagine an environment in plein air to enjoy sips and bites overlooking the elegant Potomac.
The café reintroduces the idea that the landscape there belongs to the people.
Jennifer Windbeck, senior vice president and head of branches, cafés, and private banking at Capital One, says women no longer have to present as “male” to make it in the field.
We parents hung back on the sidewalk and happily waved them off before grabbing an obligatory coffee at the nearby café.
As a cafe in Sydney, Australia came under siege by a hostage-taking gunman on Monday, those nearby attempted to flee the area.
America already has a cereal cafe, Cereality, which has a store in Virginia and at the Dallas Fort Worth airport.
But in October 2010, Palestinian security forces stormed into an Internet cafe and arrested me.
Boyfriend, a New Orleans-based rapper who prefers not to reveal her real name, gets up from her decaf cafe au lait.
In January, an attack on a Lebanese cafe popular with expats left 21 people dead.
They take in a couple of French papers at this cafe, and the same number of Belgian journals.
Their generosity did not suffice for his dissipations, his cafe bills and his unbridled taste for billiards.
No long endless tables and big red velvet divans, as in a cafe!
At Tarascon, in a cafe, an hour ago; fifteen men attacked me, and I seized a knife to defend myself.
I tore off the wrappings and spread out the diamonds on the cafe table; I could not believe they were real.
On this page you'll find 18 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to cafe, such as: bistro, cafeteria, coffee shop, diner, chophouse, and lunchroom.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.