bad guy
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Ass-kicking, bad guy-killing Carter is just a future spinster.
As far as I was concerned he was the best bad guy in the history of the movies.
Our bad guy is Weather Wizard (not a joke), who not only looks like Kurt Cobain but can use his palms to conjure angry storms.
“I don't think Thompson is an inherently bad guy,” says Rosenberg.
The evil inclination is saying in this song, ‘I’m looked at as this bad guy, but you have power, you have control.
Maybe because I wanted to show that a bad guy could do somethin' for his country.
When they think of someone being spied on, they think of someone else, a bad guy.
He discovers compelling evidence that a bad guy killed your father.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.