bad breath
noun as in offensive breath
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If you have bad breath, gingivitis or periodontitis …A probiotic lozenge or mouthwash might be your best bet.
Good hygiene, students are advised, is important for warding away bad breath and bad smells from that woolen suit.
The highlights of humanity without the boring bits and the bad breath?
The focus is on the felonious, or nearly so, but some ladies aren't above cataloging bad breath and B.O.
I've heerd of a bad breath that might knock a man down, but I never met it till now.
A bad breath arises more frequently than otherwise from neglected and decayed teeth.
Particular care should be taken to guard against a bad breath from any cause.
Headaches, indigestion, bad breath and chronic fatigue are some of the results.
If they are allowed to become dirty they will become carious and cause bad breath and neuralgia.
On this page you'll find 4 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to bad breath, such as: foul breath, foul-smelling breath, halitosis, and morning breath.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.