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Rarick said backwash from the waves hitting this stretch of coastline hardened with sandbags, tarps and boulders is also disrupting the famous surf breaks.
The backwash from waves hitting the shore made the surfing there bumpy.
“I think this is a lot of political backwash to get Romney up in front,” Joseph said.
He goes to the boat where Ravna and Balto lie sleeping, and lays hold of it, lest it should be swept away by the backwash.
But they are highly entertaining to read because they so faithfully mirror the backwash of romanticism.
Making these enquiries, the chaplain came upon the backwash of Udal's reports that the King loved some leman.
So huge a splash did the vast rock give, that the sea heaved up and the backwash of the water drove the ship right to the shore.
Therefore, an ideal backwash is set up, which accounts for all the wreckage strewed on the beach.
On this page you'll find 11 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to backwash, such as: aftermath, result, and wake.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.