adjective as in opposed to change
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The so-called Powell Doctrine is one useful, backward-looking tool at our disposal.
The Senate recently rejected a backward-looking resolution to discredit the EPA from Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski.
No one is even trying to disguise the backward-looking mandate.
Look, too, what a long way on in the verse that sin of backward-looking has brought you.
They save that bunkum for pussy-footing, peace-loving, backward-looking, dollar-worshiping Americans.
"Study is better than sacrifice," for example, must have been a very surprising proverb to the backward-looking Jew.
That which in the forward-looking prophecy is the historical fulfilment, is in the backward-looking the scientific investigation.
A thin pale grudging strip of moon lit it up: just the moon by which to see ruins—a moon for backward looking and regrets.
On this page you'll find 20 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to backward-looking, such as: behind the times, dated, of the old school, old-fashioned, old-school, and outdated.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.