noun as in politics
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In a dim backroom of a mud hut in Save, 82-year-old Teresa Nyirabutunda sits propped upright in bed by her daughter, Francine.
It was reminiscent of the old days of backroom politics and half-drunk reporters swaying against their typewriters.
They also ran the second-most important ad of the season, painting Quinn as a creature of a smoky backroom.
I thought it would be hidden, out in the woods, or some kind of backroom deal.
I want Missourians to make a choice in this election based on policy, not backroom politics.
On his way back, he noticed there were two others in the backroom, a couple of men gnawing on pretzels over beers.
Lamb worked his way up into the throng and got a glimpse of the other guy getting stiff on the backroom floor.
He had also meant to do general repair work in the backroom shop.
Nick cleared the pie wrapper off the small counter and tossed it into a box as he headed for the backroom.
Look here, Baldy, what was it her father whispered to you—just before she came into the backroom?
On this page you'll find 20 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to backroom, such as: campaigning, government, civics, electioneering, jungle, and legislature.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.