adjective as in supported
adjective as in supplied with a back
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Traffic up ahead on Myrtle backed up, and Johnson began weaving in and out.
These are the kids of the U.S.-backed Pakistani army and they should stop their parents from bombing our families and children.
And make no mistake; they were backed up by sincere religious beliefs.
Reid planted a flag, ready to make his mark in the world of whisky, backed by ambition and a gorgeous piece of land.
He wrote that he deserved to die and alluded to a ominous plan that he had backed out of twice already.
One evening in the month of April, a slim, straight-backed girl stood in the veranda of a bungalow at Meerut.
The boy backed away from him, and stood a little distance off, holding out a nice, juicy potato this time.
I turned away from the bank and raced up a long slope to a saw-backed ridge that promised largely of unobstructed view.
The hump-backed little figure with poke-bonnet and cane was chased out upon the broken landing.
But when Jess had lowered her umbrella and backed into the shop, she found several customers waiting at the counter.
On this page you'll find 40 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to backed, such as: approved, assisted, endorsed, favored, advocated, and aided.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.