backed up
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Traffic up ahead on Myrtle backed up, and Johnson began weaving in and out.
And make no mistake; they were backed up by sincere religious beliefs.
“Sue (Or In a Season of Crime)” brings the rock chameleon into jazz territory, backed up by a horn-heavy jazz big band.
These charges are all easily backed up by referring to where Republican candidates stood in 2011 on the AJA.
This was backed up an opinion from the office of the outgoing attorney general and a lower court judge.
He devised the famous system of a dropping breech block, backed up by the hammer.
A modern range was backed up against a huge, old-fashioned brick oven, no longer used.
Its weight is staggering, and it shoots a solid ball, backed up by a fearful charge of cordite.
In the end a feeble hint, backed up by a weak menace, was sent to Vienna.
I felt the hair stir upon my head, and instinctively I backed up against the wall, lest something should approach me from behind.
On this page you'll find 55 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to back up, such as: fall back, retreat, abandon, and withdraw.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.