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Example Sentences
Back-to-back Derby winner Yoenis Céspedes will now suit up as an American League outfield reserve.
So there I was, in the position of doing two shows that were going to be on back-to-back nights.
There are two back-to-back forty-five-minute segments without commercials.
Not many people would invite two back-to-back prison trips after two years of hard labor.
Katarina Witt winning back-to-back Gold medals in 1984 and 1988.
In any event, the men should be taught to take some form of a closed back-to-back formation.
Back-to-back, they fired, thrust, hewed and hacked at the swarming enemy.
Most of the photographs were printed back-to-back, but in this eBook, they appear on the pages given in the List of Illustrations.
Here are two back-to-back rear tenements, with dark bedrooms on the south.
T' house wheer I'd bin livin' were a back-to-back house, facin' north, so as we niver gat no sun thro' yeer's end to yeer's end.
On this page you'll find 29 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to back-to-back, such as: later, abutting, adjacent, adjoining, after, and alongside.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.