back talk
noun as in rude answer
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Push back more—with votes, with money, and with plenty of back talk!
"I ain't goin' ter take none o' yer back-talk, nuther," whooped the man.
"I let one man call me a fool to-day and I didn't make back talk—but I know where to draw the line," warned Candage.
Ain't it dawned on you, Mac, that it's up to you an' me to find the steamer Maggie an' git back to work quick an' no back talk?
He did not enjoy what Bill Mosely called "back talk" as well as his partner, and it struck him as so much waste of time.
The first thing, sir, is that Im going to be obeyed, without question and without any back talk.
On this page you'll find 80 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to back-talk, such as: back answer, backchat, cheek, comeback, guff, and insolence.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.