back roads
noun as in countryside
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I was driving some back roads near Elmer, N.J., when I came on a kid carrying a dead dog.
She told me to take the back roads because they were quicker.
Uncle John would pick me up after school and take me for drives down deserted back roads.
To hear her tell of it, that night had seen an uncommonly large number of cars on the back roads off the Palace.
They took away the wounded, and as soon as they had gone the nuns woke us up, and we started out, following all the back roads.
I snuck another look at him as I sped along the Disney back-roads, lined with sweaty Florida pines and immaculate purple signage.
Why should they not say it anyhow of the half-read country girl whom he slipped around by back roads to meet at night?
They lost their way in the back roads, and when they again reached the coast an hour had passed.
On this page you'll find 9 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to back road, such as: alley, alleyway, back street, country road, and side street.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.