back burner
noun as in reduced priority
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As GDP growth becomes a top priority, pollution control is on a back burner.
I’ve kind of been putting it on the back burner or putting my thoughts on anything like that on the back burner just to kind of stay in the moment and relishing the moment because more importantly I don’t want this moment to pass me by.
Now that the hell of 2020 is officially wrapped, I’m taking a dive into some of the localized climate problems we left boiling on the back burner.
Nice-to-know details were pushed to the back burner in a rush to make sure the new vaccines would be safe and effective.
I vacuum-sealed the cheese in half-pound batches and froze the rolls and put the cheesesteak craving on a back burner.
Denzel Washington in Philadelphia: “There was something like that [with Philadelphia] where I was on the back-burner.”
And while his Town & Country photo shoot nearly broke the Internet, modeling is on the back burner: “Acting is my first priority.”
On this page you'll find 5 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to back burner, such as: abeyance, cold storage, limbo, and suspension.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.