baby elephant
adjective as in corpulent
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Turns out, Have Trunk Will Travel actually owns that little baby elephant, Rumpelstiltskin style.
Youll look like a baby elephant when we get back home, prophesied Carol encouragingly.
The elephant-mother suckles and safeguards her baby-elephant for two whole years.
This young baby elephant up in the bow is too heavy and makes the canoe very hard to steer.
Just as he spoke a baby elephant came running down to the station holding a small envelope in his trunk.
Although Disco failed to get a shot at an elephant, his hopeful spirit was gratified by the catching of a baby elephant alive.
On this page you'll find 30 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to baby elephant, such as: burly, fleshy, obese, portly, beefy, and bulky.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.