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The Taco Bell amethyst does not come with hair of baboon nor feather of swallow, but it does come on a necklace, with a drip of gold that feels like the name of the sun, so protection there is!
The counseling business she leads connects those would-be travelers with a breadth of possibilities, such as baboon research and language immersion.
Her study subjects have included captive rhesus macaques and wild baboons.
The population of baboons that I study in Kenya actually sits right at the edge of where the ranges of two different species of baboons meet.
Baby chimpanzees and baboons cling to the fronts or wide backs of their mothers.
“I find ‘the baboon’ suits him better than his real name,” she adds caustically.
In the book, Strauss-Kahn is identified only as the “pig,” “baboon,” or “baboon-man.”
She writes, “the baboon-man is my psoriasis... an illness that sticks to the skin and only wakes up when you no longer expect it.”
I am an Afrikaner and I want to show that baboon Julius Malema.
A country squire introduced his baboon, in clerical habits, to say grace.
The baboon immediately came down, and it was remarkable how he brought down the basket without upsetting it.
An officer who was visiting Le Vaillant, wishing to try the affection of the baboon for his master, pretended to strike him.
The papio, the first baboon; the mandrill, the second; and the ouanderou, the third.
They have a long muzzle, a short tail, and are nearly of the same size as the baboon, but their hind parts seem to be more feeble.
On this page you'll find 6 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to baboon, such as: monkey, chacma, and mandrill.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.