verb as in exist in abundance
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Whatever the future holds for Africa, optimism certainly abounds.
Such attention to detail abounds among the organic distillers.
Flowers are blooming, love is in the air, and hopefulness abounds for one and all.
Such a pattern tests Troy's claim that a “firm commitment” to the two state solution abounds at AIPAC.
Hypocrisy is the unforgiveable sin in politics—and it abounds among ideologues in congress.
Likewise your Majesty will have shelter for his vessels, and a foothold in that country, which abounds with meat and rice.
This portion abounds with non-Chaucerian rimes, as explained in the Introduction, and is not by any means remarkable for accuracy.
Chalk is a very pure form of carbonate of lime, and where it abounds has been largely employed as an application on the soil.
A motor trip of two or three days through the moor itself would be time well spent, for it abounds in romantic scenery.
Though comparatively level and with splendid surface, it abounds in sharp curves and in many places runs along high embankments.
On this page you'll find 28 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to abounds, such as: proliferate, flourish, thrive, teem, crowd, and swell.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.