noun as in being different from standard or norm
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It could be that those downstream abnormalities in cell development were due to improper signaling from the cerebellum.
They are searching for abnormalities in the soil, replanted vegetation and other signs of a rogue grave.
Most of those were in cases where fetal abnormalities were evident or there were grave risks to the health of the woman.
Also, the types of abnormalities reported are not those associated with radiation exposures.
This called the "disc abnormalities cause back pain thesis into question".
He viewed his characters not in relation to other men and in normal activities; he isolated them—often amid abnormalities.
I hasten to explain that I do not mean any of the abnormalities and monstrosities of present-day fashionable life.
This, of course, is simply one of the abnormalities caused by the supplanting of love by money as a motive in marriage.
Except as regards late "abnormalities," we have now surveyed the whole course of totemic evolution.
This general description explains many of the abnormalities in freight rates throughout this territory.
On this page you'll find 32 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to abnormalities, such as: anomaly, flaw, deformity, irregularity, deviation, and exception.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.