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The author of Ablutions describes confronting grim news about the industry just as his debut novel was scheduled to be released.
Many days passed with no word as to whether Ablutions still had a home or not.
February 28 marks the official release date of my debut novel, Ablutions.
Patrick DeWitt is the author of Ablutions: Notes for Novel.
At last the morning broke; I performed the Namaz: the dust of the floor served me instead of sand or water for my ablutions.
A court enclosed the whole; near the porch was a laver for the ablutions of intending worshippers.
Boys dressed in white appeared with basins of water and napkins on silver salvers for ablutions.
He rose up, adjusted his dress, and sought in the apartment for water to perform his morning ablutions, but without success.
Thirdly, let the most scrupulous cleanliness be maintained; the pots, saucers, and the stands being often subjected to ablutions.
On this page you'll find 9 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to ablutions, such as: attire, dressing, grooming, makeup, toilette, and getting ready.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.