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Williams was charged with aiding or abetting the theft of government property, but the FBI did not allege that she personally took the device, adding that its whereabouts were unknown.
Activision is suing for intentional interference, unfair competition, and aiding and abetting.
“This is aiding and abetting criminal activity,” charges campaign finance attorney Dan Backer, counsel for Stop Hillary.
Awoonor had driven the friend to Togo only to be accused of abetting the escape of a plotter in an unsuccessful coup.
Simple assault, battery, aiding and abetting, harboring a fugitive, and also obstruction of justice took place.
Is there something, er, deficient about the type of guy who earns a living saving lives, succoring the sick, abetting the needy?
This week, Charles Taylor was convicted of aiding and abetting war crimes.
Indignantly I deny the false statement, charging him with abetting the conspiracy to involve my comrades.
This the Persian government considered as aiding and abetting a rebellion.
To be sure, Wench, you must have been aiding and abetting to help him to this Escape.
In treason all are principals, and a man may be guilty of aiding and abetting, though not present.
But we must exonerate the mind of England from the charge of abetting this guilty traffic in human misery.
On this page you'll find 41 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to abetting, such as: ancillary, accessory, adjuvant, backup, complementary, and extra.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.