noun as in state of abnormality
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noun as in different from that expected
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They were also an aberration from conventional music industry logic.
January 6th was a culmination of the president’s actions, not an aberration from them.
We will also be investigating any aberrations and issues in the mail-in voting process as we find them, and telling the stories of the people and communities impacted most.
Our current era of seesawing power is the historical aberration, and as political scientist Frances Lee argues in her book Insecure Majorities, it has reshaped Congress and made bipartisan compromise nearly impossible.
The city’s death statistics reveal an aberration, ProPublica found.
The Civil War was clearly an aberration in American society and of profound significance.
In fact, the very notion of restraint has become an aberration.
His actions may have been an aberration but his thinking, sadly, is not.
But as the report pointed out time and time again, that dark era of violence in America was not some aberration.
How did this aberration come to pass and why has it persisted until now?
Even a thinking machine must have its moments of aberration.
But this easiness is only possible, in promiscuity, which is possibly a worse ill than aberration.
Nevertheless it would be imprudent wholly to rule out this form of sexual aberration from the causes of variability of species.
The spiritual culture of Greece an aberration of the amazing political impulse towards ἁριστεὑειν.
His instinct, which was stronger than his intelligence, told him that such an aberration was possible.
On this page you'll find 87 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to aberration, such as: oddity, peculiarity, quirk, delusion, eccentricity, and strangeness.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.