adjective as in taken away by force
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He hasn't bothered to visit Iguala, the place where the students were abducted and killed.
Freelance journalist Austin Tice was abducted in Syria more than two years ago.
Robbie Howell abducted his wife and their toddler across state lines.
In the documentary, your wife says you were abducted in Kiev and beaten after voicing your desire to play in the NHL.
Last month, dozens were abducted and slaughtered—by the police.
As rapidly as possible Jim told him how Jaime and his rascally comrades had abducted Sadie, and how he had followed.
Before the men who had abducted the Osage maiden could get their boat out of the little cove, Totantora reached the stern of it.
This is remarked because the Prophet, in works written against him, is charged with having abducted his wife.
Her hasty flight from Rome had been caused by the news, that Don Luis had found and abducted his son.
No, my dear child, it was I who caused you to be abducted and I will yield you to nobody.
On this page you'll find 6 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to abducted, such as: appropriated, kidnapped, seized, snatched, and stolen.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.