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What’s more, people taking the antibiotic were much more likely than those getting a placebo to report side effects, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea.
That’s when she first started experiencing symptoms such as a low appetite and abdominal distension.
In lower organisms, which lack the abdominal cavity and intestines, digestion is accomplished by a particular type of cells—mobile mesodermal cells—that move around engulfing and dissolving food particles.
Last July, Cory Dowd’s nagging abdominal pain was getting worse.
People who have received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and develop severe headaches, abdominal pain, leg pain or shortness of breath within three weeks after vaccination should contact their medical provider.
For the entire duration of the hours I spent inside San Pedro I noticed my abdominal muscles remained perpetually clenched.
The 31-year-old nun began to feel severe abdominal cramps on Wednesday and gave birth just a few hours later.
I had to have major abdominal surgery, and they said, ‘You can't hold your baby.’
The cancer was detected during an abdominal scan in October 2003, as Fortune magazine reported in a 2008 cover story.
The HFCS-fed animals also had increases in abdominal fat and triglycerides.
He saw the tenseness of the abdominal organs, felt the blind fear in the creature's mind.
Lane put his hand into the abdominal incision and squeezed the heart through the diaphragm.
The book-lungs openings are found on the ventral surface of the first abdominal segment, as is also the epigynum.
If, however, the midriff contract so powerfully that the lower ribs are drawn inward, the abdominal walls follow them.
The extent to which this is successful can be inferred from the degree to which the abdominal wall bulges forward.
On this page you'll find 11 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to abdominal, such as: intestinal, visceral, belly, duodenal, gastric, and stomachic.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.