noun as in something shortened
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Chatty abbreviations were common in Roman messages: SPD stood for salutem plurimam dicit, or “sends many greetings.”
I loved the simplicity of it, I loved the autonomy of it, and I loved the language of abbreviations that instant messaging has.
And Luke taught me all of the abbreviations: “brb” means “be right back,” “U2” means “you too,” “g2g” means “got to go.”
That is, I almost never encounter students who write “U” instead of “you” or use smiley faces or abbreviations like “LOL.”
The essays read like excited missives to a friend, complete with an overreliance on all caps and WTF-style abbreviations.
It is loose, pointed, flowing, with few abbreviations or ligatures specially characteristic of Irish script.
The following list includes abbreviations and symbols used in this catalog with specific copyright or bibliographic meanings.
Spelling, alternative hyphenation, and abbreviations have been retained as they appear in the original publication.
A full stop is placed after most abbreviations, after initial letters, and after ordinal numbers in Roman characters.
By or before 1631 several other writers used abbreviations of the trigonometric functions.
On this page you'll find 23 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to abbreviations, such as: compendium, clipping, abstraction, compression, abstract, and outline.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.