noun as in cancellation
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As we equip more and more merchants with our point-of-sale financing option, we continue to see data that points to larger orders, fewer abandoned carts and improved customer acquisition.
A good example is the automated and personalized abandonment messages that BreadBrand sends to customers that abandoned their carts.
GPS tracking can also help cities monitor where scooters are being parked or abandoned, and ultimately control where they’re being used.
“Memorial,” by Bryan WashingtonA relationship is tested when a man leaves the country to care for his dying father, abandoning his visiting mother with his boyfriend.
The city already abandoned plans to resume in-person teaching this month because it didn’t have sufficient staffing.
How do you feel about Archer and the gang abandoning the cartel and returning to the office?
Secondly, as GBCE reports, it puts the kids themselves at a higher risk of dropping out of school, or abandoning it all together.
She grew up believing her biological mother had died after abandoning her as a baby.
As the United States becomes more and more disjointed, an increasing number of Americans favors abandoning the Union altogether.
Should Courage give up her war profiteering and settle down to run an honest pub—even if it means abandoning her mute girl?
But madame, woman-like, returned to the matter whose abandoning she had herself suggested.
But, without abandoning painting, he allowed himself to be diverted by other arts.
"That thing he played sounded familiar to me, too," Grace admitted, now entirely abandoning her magazine and sitting up.
At the close of the last century there existed a religious sect who were in favour of abandoning the use of clothing.
His royal highness, however, did not intimate his intention of abandoning the Orange institutions.
On this page you'll find 38 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to abandoning, such as: abandonment, abolition, annulment, dissolution, elimination, and repeal.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.