adjective as in left alone, deserted
Strong matches
deserted, discarded, dissipated, dropped, dumped, eliminated, empty, forgotten, forsaken, jilted, left, neglected, rejected, relinquished, shunned, sidelined, vacated
Weak matches
alone, cast aside, cast away, eighty-sixed, given up, godforsaken, left in the cold, left in the lurch, outcast, passed up, pigeon-holed, side-tracked, unoccupied, vacant
adjective as in free from moral restraint; uninhibited
Weak matches
dissolute, immoral, incontinent, incorrigible, licentious, profligate, shameless, sinful, uncontrolled, unprincipled, unrestrained, wicked, wild
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Example Sentences
The abandoned and active coal mines that run through eastern Kentucky make it one of the areas that stands to benefit.
But because they are not forgotten, they cannot completely be abandoned.
He said he spent his time doing “Mickey Mouse make-work,” digging though old records for long-abandoned well sites.
He asks why non-believers like himself are abandoned by the world.
She became a schoolteacher, but, as war erupted, began taking in kids abandoned or orphaned by the conflict.
It, too, soon abandoned the mission, finding it both logistically and financially impossible.
He breathed fierce and honest anathema on the heads of the bowelless fiends who had abandoned the babe to its doom.
The paper and the poker are abandoned, chairs are drawn towards the baize-covered table.
French evacuated Almeida, after destroying everything, and the next day they abandoned Portugal entirely.
The idea was seriously considered but, for various reasons, abandoned.
So the courts abandoned the rule founded on the part payment of the purchase price.
On this page you'll find 140 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to abandoned, such as: deserted, discarded, dissipated, dropped, dumped, and eliminated.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.