a priori
adjective as in deducing from general principle
adverb as in deducing from general principle
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There’s no a priori reason why this should be pleasurable—the way other drives like hunger and thirst yield pleasure because they keep us alive.
Scholars, if they be Christians at all, can have no possible a-priori objection to belief in the supernatural.
The vast majority of the interpretations have been simply due to a-priori prepossessions, which are arbitrary and baseless.
But, the conclusion once reached, he stood on it as an a-priori breathing-spot.
However, it is impossible to arrive at a final definition of intelligence on the basis of a-priori considerations alone.
Mind, again, as just a-priori principle and basis of all things, is manifestly their universal "Quality."
On this page you'll find 23 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to a priori, such as: based on theory, deduced, deductive, derivable, inferred, and presumptive.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.