a few
adjective as in certain
adjective as in several
Weak matches
- a lot
- any
- certain
- considerable
- definite
- different
- disparate
- distinct
- divers
- diverse
- handful
- hardly any
- indefinite
- individual
- infrequent
- manifold
- many
- not many
- numerous
- only a few
- particular
- personal
- plural
- proportionate
- quite a few
- rare
- respective
- scant
- scanty
- scarce
- scarcely any
- separate
- single
- small number
- some
- sparse
- special
- specific
- sundry
pronoun as in some
Weak matches
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Example Sentences
He did it again Monday night, in his tepid, a-few-days-late-and-several-dollars-short speech.
From The Daily Beast
In one hand I would carry an offering for my guru-a few flowers from the garden of my Panthi boardinghouse.
From Project Gutenberg
With reference to these last—the sky-effects-a few words may not be out of place here.
From Project Gutenberg
On this page you'll find 89 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to a few, such as: individual, numerous, particular, precise, special, and specific.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.