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Another partner in Trump Soho is the Russian émigré developer Tamir Sapir, who lives in a $5 million Trump Tower condo.
After his ouster, Ben Ali apparently wanted to find refuge and exile in France, which has a large Tunisian émigré population.
Marie Antoinette was right in her estimate of feeling in the émigré camp.
That plot had been authorised by the princes, on the émigré lines, and aimed at the restoration of the old order.
The autobiography is practically that of an émigré, although the Bishop-designate was a “déporté.”
One was of a wealthy émigré, permitted to return to France by the Em—by Napoleon.
But she gave a shy assent, and for me the evening at Émigré's Retreat was a grand success.
On this page you'll find 23 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to émigré, such as: emigrant, alien, deportee, displaced person, dp, and exile.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.