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Jay Z should perhaps take some cues from his wife, Beyoncé, who has just done the exact opposite with great éclat.
Congratulations: visits from my neighbors; all the éclat we could wish or a true lover hate.
In their missions they aimed at éclat; and hence merely nominal conversions were accepted, because these swelled their numbers.
He was simply ambitious of influence over students in philosophy and religion,--fond of éclat and fame as a teacher.
Not contented with the éclat he received, he now meditated the discomfiture of his old master.
As she says the word husband she has again a vivid éclat of the consciousness that it is he—himself—sitting there beside her.
On this page you'll find 37 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to éclat, such as: brio, dash, dynamism, élan, flair, and flourish.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.